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Tons of Soul

Dragon’s Blood White Sage Smudge Wand

Regular price $4.00 USD
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Dragon's Blood Resin

Dragon’s blood is a resin that forms naturally on the berries of the cinnabar tree. Dragon’s Blood Sage can be used in ritual magic for protection, banishing, and healing.  It’s ideal for cleansing negative emotional energy, rejuvenation, and renewal to start fresh after moving into a new home or after overcoming adversity or illness and setting positive intentions to control your destiny.

White Sage
Aroma: Rich, bitter, smoky, natural.
  • Helps quiet mental chatter
  • Soothes emotional turmoil
  • Removes stale energies from a room
  • Helps everyone be fully present and focused in a group
  • Peacefulness
  • Calming
  • Helps in the release of energetic blockages
  • Enhances clear thinking
  • Neutralizes the energetic remnants of fear, anger, anxiety, or grief
  • Clears space, indoors and out
  • Often used for casting a circle

Intention: To purify one’s space or body, and bring protection. Smudging is a spiritual purification process that can be thought of as a cleansing smoke bath that involves lighting the bundle, gently blowing out the flame, and placing it safely in a fireproof bowl, allowing the smoke to fill your space and wash over your body. This practice is held sacred within the Native American culture as well as shamanism.

The smudge sticks measure 4-5 inches in length and are all sustainably harvested.

Some variation may occur as these are hand tied and materials can differ in weight, fullness, and density.